The groundbreaking faith-based series The Chosen is once again defying conventional TV norms with its theatrical launch ...
"The Chosen" Season 5 will be released in theaters in 2025. Discover the official release date for the next season and watch ...
Season 5 of “The Chosen,” showing the days leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion, will be the “most intense and heaviest” yet, ...
The story of Jesus might be one of the most famous stories in the world — but by focusing on telling the story "through the ...
Researchers and religious leaders have released findings from an intriguing two-month experiment through art in a Catholic ...
You are leading the way for so many other nations as to what it means to be a culture that puts God above everything else.’ ...
"The Chosen" gets a pre-Easter theatrical release date for Season 5 before making its streaming debut. Here's a first look at ...
Beginning March 27, the fifth season of the hit series "The Chosen," which focuses on the life of Jesus and his closest ...
The Chosen is continuing its innovative distribution approach with the theater release of Season 5, called The Chosen: Last Supper. Fans can look forward to seeing it in U.
SALT LAKE CITY — "The Chosen" Season 5 teaser trailer is out. On Monday, "The Chosen" released the trailer, which already has ...