Five euros deposit for a punch cup at the Christmas market. Some people sense a business with other people's cups - disguised ...
Als die Frau am Freitag in den frühen Abendstunden nach Hause kam, fiel ihr sofort auf, dass die Gartentüre beschädigt war.
Three people have now been arrested in connection with the possible kidnapping of a man in the Waldviertel region on Thursday ...
Alpine police officer and mountain rescuer Markus Rainer from Tux in Tyrol has written a series of children's books that ...
Jedenfalls stellen sich auch an den weiteren Öffnungstagen des Weihnachtsmarktes auf der Rosenburg Prominente in den Dienst ...
A 48-year-old man from Innsbruck fell victim to brazen internet fraudsters. A stranger posed as a bank employee and tricked ...
Ried knocked Bregenz out in a very short space of time, with a treble from the Innviertel side making the situation clear.