Do you want to help improving EUR-Lex ? This is a list of experimental features that you can enable. These features are still under development; they are not fully tested, and might reduce EUR-Lex ...
Do you want to help improving EUR-Lex ? This is a list of experimental features that you can enable. These features are still under development; they are not fully tested, and might reduce EUR-Lex ...
atténuer l’abus de contrats injustes qui empêchent un partage équitable des données. Cela implique: de protéger les entreprises contre des conditions contractuelles injustes imposées par des parties ...
Mitigar el uso indebido de contratos abusivos que impiden el intercambio de datos equitativo. Esto implica: proteger a las empresas de términos contractuales abusivos impuestos por partes con ...
Týmito rozhodnutiami a nariadeniami sa spoločne zavádzajú reštriktívne opatrenia Európskej únie (EÚ), ako je zákaz cestovania, zmrazenie aktív a obmedzenia obchodu, a to v reakcii na ruskú vojnovú ...
The EU has put in place various types of sanctions with different targets and objectives. These include the following. Individual sanctions targeting individuals, entities and bodies that have, among ...
uzimajući u obzir pisani dio postupka, uzimajući u obzir očitovanja koja su podnijeli: –        za Aldi Süd Dienstleistungs SE & Co. OHG, C. Fürsen i A. Starcke, Rechtsanwälte, –        za češku vladu ...
1        Zahtjev za prethodnu odluku odnosi se na tumačenje članka 9. stavka 3. Uredbe (EZ) br. 561/2006 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 15. ožujka 2006. o usklađivanju određenog socijalnog zakonodav ...
1        Prin recursul formulat, Comisia Europeană solicită anularea în parte a Hotărârii Tribunalului Uniunii Europene din 6 iulie 2022, HB/Comisia (T‑408/21, denumită în continuare „hotărârea atacat ...
Decision of the Minister of Transport and Communication for capital increase of the beneficiary (both decisions will be adopted after the approval of the Restructuring Plan by the Commission) Republic ...
1.   Komisija kasmet peržiūri išlaidas, apie kurias valstybės narės pranešė metinėje veiklos rezultatų ataskaitoje, Komisijai pateiktoje pagal Reglamento (ES) 2021/1148 29 straipsnio 2 dalies g punktą ...