Godot Engine 4.4 has been released bringing with it a plethora of advancements for game devs, so it might be time to give it ...
Fedora Linux is refreshed every six months, with version 39 shipping in November 2023, 20 years (and one day) since the first ...
While we’ve griped about a few aspects of Debian with Raspberry Pi Desktop, there’s much to recommend it. It’s extremely fast ...
The new Mozilla Firefox 136 release delivers a number of notable new features—features Mozilla may be hoping help it re-earn ...
By taking advantage of Red Hat Enterprise Linux’s advanced security features, vendor neutrality, hybrid cloud consistency, ...
The MakuluLinux LinDoz 2025 edition is one of the most useful and functional AI-powered Linux distributions available. The OS ...
Linux Kernel 6.14 RC5 is out with a variety of fixes and updates across different subsystems, including drivers, filesystems, ...
The new partnership was announced today, March 3, by e& Group CEO Hatem Dowidar during his keynote address on the main event ...
Delivering a feature-rich KDE Plasma desktop, this specialized version of ArcoLinux lets you install and customize it every which way.
I've tried a bunch of Linux email clients over the years, but I found only one that's my ride or die. Here's why.
With a Steam image of a stupid smiley face that made me initially ignore it when seeing it (the kind I would expect from some ...
I Am Not Looking for a Tool But an Experience . Linux Mint feels like moving to a new city but decorating your apartment ...