( NewsNation) — Scientists say an asteroid known as the “God of Chaos” has a slightly increased chance of impacting the Earth ...
Apophis will come close enough to Earth to be seen with the naked eye in 2029, but a chance encounter with another asteroid ...
New simulations reveal that there is an extremely small chance that the "city-killer" asteroid Apophis could be nudged onto a ...
The results of his study suggest that an object as small as 0.6 meters across could potentially nudge the asteroid onto a ...
There are a slew of ways that life on Earth could come to an end, but a giant asteroid smashing into the planet, wiping out ...
The infamous "God of Chaos" asteroid could be tipped onto a collision course with Earth, scientists have warned. The asteroid ...
A massive asteroid, dubbed the 'God of Chaos,' is on course to pass by Earth at a distance closer than some satellites, prompting scientists to once again revise their predictions about a ...
(NewsNation) — Scientists say an asteroid known as the “God of Chaos” has a slightly increased chance of impacting the Earth in 2029, but only if a very unlikely series of events plays out.
Astronomers are keeping an eye on the asteroid 99942 Apophis, which will come within 18,300 miles of Earth in 2029. Although initial collision fears have been mostly dismissed, new research ...
Asteroid 99942 Apophis, known as the 'God of Chaos,' will make a close approach to Earth in April 2029. Although it poses no immediate threat, NASA plans to study it using the OSIRIS-APEX spacecraft.
There is a minuscule albeit non-zero chance that a massive asteroid Apophis, dubbed the God of Chaos, could collide with Earth. This may happen during its near approach in 2029.