The Labour Ministry is set to revolutionize its services by upgrading IT systems to benefit the country's massive workforce.
Dawra said over 7 crore workers have been brought under PF coverage since 2017, a major step in expanding India's social ...
The Ministry of Labour is advancing its IT infrastructure to provide better services to India's vast workforce. Starting in ...
EPFO subscribers will be able to easily withdraw their provident funds directly from ATMs, enhancing convenience and ...
Members of EPFO may soon be able to withdraw funds from their EPF account directly from ATMs. The EPF system is currently ...
Secretary with the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Sumita Dawra, has announced plans to enable EPFO subscribers to ...
The planned measure is likely to enable claimants, beneficiaries, and insured individuals to access their PF funds with ...
A committee comprising representatives from various stakeholders has been established to propose a framework for providing ...