When you take out a federal student loan, you're assigned a servicer. This company is supposed to help you manage your loan, ...
Lawler has sponsored a student loan bill that would lower interest rates ... Mike Lawler (R-NY) in a statement last week. "And sadly, with high interest rates, making even a dent in the principal ...
The move would be the culmination of nearly four years of attacks by GOP lawmakers and attorneys general on Biden’s student ...
While Trump hasn't been clear on his plans, he has been a staunch critic of federal student loans and attempts to reduce loan ...
The interest rate on federal college loans would plunge to 1% under a new bill by Rep. Mike Lawler that aims to ease the debt ...
Thirty percent of student loan borrowers have gone without food or other essentials due to their monthly bills, the Consumer ...
President-elect Donald Trump has called the Biden administration's student loan relief efforts a "total catastrophe." ...
Analysis of 18,000 borrower complaints reveals payment processing errors, inaccurate bills and repayment information, and ...
The Education Department officially released proposed regulations last week for a new student loan forgiveness program tied to hardship.
During Biden's administration, the Education Department provided $175 billion in student loan forgiveness for roughly 5 ...
President-elect Donald Trump is unlikely to continue Biden's student-debt relief efforts ... elect would oppose student-loan ...