The Jose Limon Dance Foundation exists today with a dual mission: first, to provide an environment and vehicle for encouraging vision and creativity in the field of dance, and second, to perpetuate ...
More recently the José Limón Dance Foundation was awarded a 2008 National Medal of Arts, the nation’s highest honor for artistic excellence. The Limón technique is based upon the movement style and ...
The José Limón Dance Foundation, with Company and Institute, is the recipient of a 2008 National Medal of the Arts. José Limón has a special place in American culture for a social awareness that ...
Colin Connor, a former soloist with Limón Dance Company who went on to a career in choreography and education, returns, to the foundation. Program C of the José Limón International Dance ...
2008 Irish Repertory Theatre Company, Inc. $50,000 Legacy 2008 Irish Repertory Theatre Company, Inc. $50,000 Legacy 2005 Jose Limon Dance Foundation $50,000 Legacy 2006 Jose Limon Dance Foundation $50 ...
Tomas is past President of the American Institute of Architects New York Chapter, a founding Board Member of Design Onscreen, and past Chairman of the Jose Limon Dance Foundation Board ...
“I called my friends at Good Tidings Foundation and we are here to give [Tierra Caliente] a fresh coat of paint, a remodel, a ...
Dancemaker duo Baye & Asa’s “Cortege 2023” reimagines the Stygian boater with a nod to Martha Graham’s 1967 work “Cortege of ...