T Coronae Borealis, one of the fainter stars included in the constellation Corona Borealis, is expected to go nova any day now.
“My property has been devalued fifty percent,” said Shadden. Amanda McCoy [email protected] Constellation Energy spokesperson Brett Nauman, who attended the hearing, provided a written ...
Astronomers were able to capture detailed observations of massive gas bubbles moving on the surface of a star, named R.
NASA’ s Hubble Space Telescope provides breathtaking views of galaxies like NGC 5668 and NGC 5033, illustrating rapid star ...
The images show giant, hot bubbles of gas, 75 times the size of the sun, appearing on the surface of the star, called R ...
Doradus, a red giant star 180 light-years away in the Dorado constellation ... Stars produce energy within their cores through nuclear fusion by squeezing hydrogen atoms to form helium.
Images from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope depict various nebulae and star clusters, like the Butterfly Nebula and NGC 4826.
What will look like a new star in the sky will actually be a nova — an exploding star, NASA says. Here's how to see it.
Known as a starburst galaxy, NGC 1569 produces stars at a rate 100 times faster than that of our Milky Way. Leo A is 2.6 million light-years from Earth and is located in the Leo constellation.
NGC 6744 is a spiral galaxy bigger than, but otherwise very similar to, our own. NASA has dubbed the large spiral galaxy the ...
Astronomers capture images of star R Doradus, revealing giant gas bubbles and offering insights into stellar convection.