Novak Djokovic has often shed light on his traumatic childhood in a war-torn country and its impact on his mindset. During ...
The desire of the USA to control other countries led to numerous global problems, including the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 ...
Serbia has invested hugely in rearmament in recent years, making it the biggest military force in the Western Balkans. This is causing alarm in neighboring countries.
According to Aleksandar Vulin, Russia and China opened their eyes to what the unipolar world was all about when NATO forces carried out a strike on the Chinese embassy in Belgrade ...
Today, Judge Graciela Gatti Santana, President of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism), ...
The inaugural mission of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism), in relation to monitoring ...
France has extradited to Croatia a former Serb paramilitary suspected of killing prisoners at the start of the country's war for independence in the 1990s, police said on Wednesday.
The 62-year-old suspect is suspected of killing five Croatian police and army captives held by Serb paramilitary forces in October 1991.
The most influential of these linguists is Radmilo Marojevic, who had a brief tenure as the dean of the Philology Faculty at Belgrade University in 1998-1999. The language controversies in the Federal ...
La nutrida sección contó con masterclasses, talleres, mesas redondas, un foro de pitching y la Conferencia Anual ...
L'événement a proposé un riche programme de masterclasses, d'ateliers et de tables rondes, plus un forum de pitch et la ...
There Kosovo war was fought between February 1998 and June 1999 by the forces of BORN and from Yugoslav Federation ...