A new $10 million endowment has established the Northwestern Medicine Kellogg Healthcare Leadership Center, a collaborative initiative between Northwestern Medicine and the Kellogg School of ...
Completing her internship at REDF, a non-profit that creates jobs for people facing the greatest barriers to work, Nicole Rogers ’25 Two-Year MBA shares how the school’s career resources are helping ...
For the past 20 years, Regina Wittenberg-Moerman has been dedicated to cultivating strong relationships with her students while making accounting research relevant and accessible to ensure they’re ...
Find available schools for your desired term studying abroad. Kellogg students may study abroad during the fall or winter of their second year. Many schools are available for both terms while others, ...
Gain the skills, dexterity and confidence to propel your career into senior management. Whether the goal is to create a standalone solution or fashion part of a complex talent development initiative, ...
We strive to make your family feel a part of the Kellogg community. Nearly 40% of our students are married or accompanied by a partner, and thanks to clubs like Joint Ventures and Kellogg Kids, those ...
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Everyone has an origin story for their passion. For Northwestern University Trustee David Kabiller ’85, ’87 MBA, he discovered his passion for investing by asking, “Is there a best way to invest?” ...
There are various on-campus housing options for PhD students at Northwestern University. Graduate housing can accommodate students as well as their families. On-campus graduate housing include ...
The Economics Department at Northwestern University offers a course during the late summer that provides incoming doctoral students with the essential mathematical tools needed for their doctoral ...
Northwestern University requires that all degree seeking students maintain health insurance. Part of your financial aid package from Kellogg includes coverage of this health insurance fee. Health ...
The Graduate School has information regarding financial aid and taxes posted on their website. They also refer to publications from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that discuss fellowship and taxes ...