Magic, Spider-Man

Magic: The Gathering developers have discussed how more Square Enix collabs outside of Final Fantasy are on the table.
MTG Final Fantasy is the only confirmed Universes Beyond collaboration featuring a Square Enix property… for now, at least.
For example, the next canon set to be released, Tarkir: Dragonstorm, sports an MSRP of $24.99 on its Collector Boosters.
On the corner of East 11th Avenue and Willamette Street lives an unassuming trading card and game store, Addictive Behaviors.
Magic: The Gathering’s Universes Beyond series has undergone a major change that finally brings it in line with the mainline ...
Wizards of the Coast is ditching the unique Universes Beyond frame - but its claim that this is to reduce complexity does not ...
Narset appears in some heartfelt disability representation in the first episode of MTG Tarkir: Dragonstorm’s Magic Story ...