The combination of the animated sequel, the history-making 'Wicked' and 'Gladiator II' is delivering an unparalleled ...
Moana 2 is indeed a worthy sequel, with gorgeous animation, a thoughtful representation of Polynesian culture and another ...
Navigating a vast and beautiful ocean empty of bigger ideas, this a second-rate sequel from the songs to the story.
Moana is absolutely one of the best Walt Disney Animation movies – which is impressive considering it came out years after ...
When Tolstoy claimed that all happy families were alike, he may have been talking about the Oscars. Call it the holiday-card ...
The top 10 grossing movies of the year are all sequels. They're now sustaining the industry, but they're in danger of ...
Lin-Manuel Miranda fell in love with musicals during his school years. The 44-year-old star - who created the Broadway ...
Moanapocalypse has begun at the box office, where the animated sequel is headed for the top-grossing holiday dish of all time ...