In the heart of Downton Florence, nestled on South Dargan Street, Jack’s Books stands as a sanctuary for book lovers.
Plot Twist Books in West Virginia lets guests spend the night in an adjoining vacation rental and have special after-hours ...
During an October journey to the New River Valley, a scenic four-county region of southwest Virginia, we stopped at Old New ...
The Friends of the Ishpeming Carnegie Public Library sponsor a sale of used books on Friday and Saturday. The sale begins at 10 a.m. Friday in the Leverton Community Room on the lower level of the ...
Book lovers in the Gladwin area will be pleased to discover a small used book store tucked away in the Gladwin County ...
The Night that Orson Welles Terrified America” by William Elliott Hazelgrove is a history of the 1938 radio adaptation of ...
First Book’s work is an antidote to book bans. It makes diverse books more accessible to students, teachers and libraries.
When Alyssa Flori of Flori Fundamentals Consulting Agency found Unit 1205 at the Hope Artiste Village, her initial goal was ...
A new peer-reviewed study finds that books by women of color, often featuring diverse characters, are frequent targets.
Expanded offerings starting Nov. 23 1101 Bear Creek Parkway, Ste. 3123, Keller ...
Here are the year’s notable fiction, poetry and nonfiction, chosen by the staff of The New York Times Book Review.
Situated in the heart of Chicago in Wicker Park, Myopic Books is a cozy labyrinth for bibliophiles of new and used books with ...