Wilkes University encourages the ongoing presence and participation of its retired full-time employees in campus life. To facilitate this, the University offers retired full-time employees, upon their ...
Program faculty are working, producing writers who will mentor you one-on-one, teaching you the craft of writing and guiding you to the completion of your full-length creative project--a novel, story ...
Ready to open some doors? We are. Colonels love this campus and can’t wait to show you around. Check out the activity and excitement of an open house or plan a personalized visit designed just for you ...
Aside from time in the southwest of France where she completed her Master’s research at Groupement de Recherche de Lacq Arkema’s research center, Dr. Baddour lived in Canada where she completed her ...
The Wilkes University Cheerleaders show their pride and love for their university on game days and also in the community. The mission of Wilkes University Cheerleading is to create a fun, safe, and ...
Ready for what's next? We know you are. Wherever you’re starting — and wherever you want to go — we’ll help you take your next steps. You’re ready to turn your dream of a Wilkes education into a ...
The Wilkes University Small Business Development Center has provided no-cost, confidential consulting services to existing small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs in Carbon, Columbia, Luzerne ...
Career preparation begins in your first year at Wilkes University. The experts at the Center for Career Development and Internships can help you find your career path and guide you through building ...
The Farley Library has switched to a new discovery service & library system! The Eugene S. Farley Library provides the collections and services to support and strengthen the teaching, learning, ...
Dr. Anaya is a Mechanical, Civil, Environmental Engineer and Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Dr. Anaya completed his bachelor degree in Bucaramanga, Colombia, and then he ...
Our Net Price Calculator can help you determine financial aid eligibility and tuition at Wilkes.
There is no application fee for undergraduate applicants. If you are a high school or transfer student who is interested in attending Wilkes, you can easily apply online by following these steps: If ...