New findings from McGill University researchers could help clinicians understand the course of delusions in youth and young ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has enabled researchers to show that a long course of radiotherapy given before surgery may be a better ...
Molnupiravir treatment for COVID-19 shows modest long-term benefits, reducing symptoms and improving well-being at three and ...
Older adults exhibit changes in brain activity when recognizing musical sequences, indicating compensatory mechanisms that ...
A four-year, $1.2 million grant from the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health may help researchers ...
Quitting cigarettes can significantly lower a person's risk of atrial fibrillation (AFib) compared to those who continue to ...
Research reveals unique gut bacteria in Singaporean seniors, highlighting the microbiome's role in promoting healthier aging ...
The study investigates COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis in adolescents, revealing clinical characteristics and risks of ...
Heatwaves can worsen abnormal excitability of the brain in people with epilepsy, finds a new small-scale patient study by ...
A noninvasive ultrasound technology called Break Wave™ lithotripsy (BWL) offers a safe and effective new option for treatment ...
A study by the team of Prof. Kodi Ravichandran (VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research) and colleagues found that ...
Researchers examine the association between patient-derived xenograft with recurrence and survival rates in triple negative ...