Vladimir Putin held a meeting in St Petersburg, via videoconference, of the Military-Industrial Commission on Special Purpose ...
The President visited the Special Technology Centre (STC) in St Petersburg, a supplier of unmanned aerial vehicles, ...
Vladimir Putin sent greetings to musicians of the Nikolai Osipov National Academic Folk Instruments Orchestra of Russia on its 105th anniversary.
Vladimir Putin held a meeting, via videoconference, with heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation who were ...
Vladimir Putin sent his greetings to the participants, organisers and guests of the 9th BRICS Legal Forum, which opened in Moscow.
The President signed the Order On Signing the Agreement on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Vladimir Putin held a meeting, via videoconference, on current issues concerning the Armed Forces development amid the ...
Vladimir Putin signed an Executive Order On Conferring the Honorary Designation to on the 51st Combined-arms Donetsk Army.
The President signed an On Awarding an Honorary Designation to the 11thRed BannerAir Force and Air DefenceArmy.
The President signed an On Extending Certain Special Economic Measures to Ensure Security of the Russian Federation.
The plenary session of the fourth Eurasian Women's Forum is held at the Tauride Palace in St Petersburg. President of Russia ...
Vladimir Putin sent greetings to the organisers, participants and guests of the 7th International Forum of Oncology and Radiotherapy “For Life.” ...