Better curb management, transit resiliency and transit user experience were among the goals of the Transit Tech Lab experiments.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will ensure the mayors can access the latest climate information, while Climate Mayors will contribute to NOAA case studies on resilience.
A review of over 100 studies shows the various negative impacts of policies that regulate rent, including that they can drive up prices in uncontrolled units nearby.
If elected, could Donald Trump claw back or withhold funds from communities? Experts from Columbia University’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law offer insight.
A Los Angeles County debate spotlights the uncertainty of climate-risk models. Experts weigh in on best practices for local leaders.
Despite remote or hybrid work and empty offices, people are driving more. "The status quo isn’t working,” the report says.
New Rochelle, New York, is one of more than 130 projects using funds allocated this year from the Reconnecting Communities Pilot program.
Years of community engagement revealed Cincinnatians don’t support getting rid of single-family zoning altogether — but they were open to relaxing it in some areas, Mayor Aftab Pureval said.
One in four low-income U.S. households spends more than 15% of their income on energy bills, finds an analysis by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
An Oct. 1 deadline looms for the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority's next five-year capital investment plan, but funding remains in question.
The move is a first of its kind among states, although 85 California municipalities have banned smoking in multifamily units, according to the American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation.
Waymo and Uber will bring robotaxis to Atlanta and Austin, Texas, early next year, the companies announced Friday.