Body counts are a crude measure of the war’s impact and more reliable estimates will take time to compile.
This document provides an outline of the editorial process involved in publishing a scientific paper (Article) in Nature, and describes how manuscripts are handled by editors between submission ...
A common diabetes drug slows monkey brain-ageing by the human equivalent of 18 years. Plus, research-integrity sleuths call out journals for ‘stealth corrections’ and a new commission convenes ...
Powerful jets of radiation and particles generated by supermassive black holes can affect the distribution of matter and magnetism in the cosmic web — the large-scale structure of the Universe.
Funders launch projects with US$70-million to develop tools that make rapid syntheses of the world’s science.
Areas of responsibility include: overseeing editorial content and strategy, and team management. Education: BSc, Università di Roma, La Sapienza; PhD, University of Tübingen; postdoctoral work ...
This document provides details of the other material that Nature publishes, in addition to original research Articles. With the exception of Analysis articles, all other content types mentioned ...
This guide describes how to prepare contributions for submission. We recommend you read this in full if you have not previously submitted a contribution to Nature. We also recommend that, before ...
This document provides guidelines on submission of Supplementary Information (SI), including content of SI, the type of files we can accept, the size constraints for individual files and how SI ...
Nature Research journals recognize the importance of post-publication commentary on published research as necessary to advancing scientific discourse. Formal post-publication commentary on ...
Andrew Pask develops genetic sequencing techniques for marsupials — including an apex predator that was hunted to death in the twentieth century.
Authors submitting primary research articles to Nature have the option of publishing their research using either: 1 – Traditional subscription publishing model – an article is submitted and is ...