A series of action films that follows John Rambo, a US Army veteran, who is traumatized by his experience in the Vietnam War, and uses the skills he gained there to fight corrupt police officers ...
Though the First Blood novel never gave Rambo a first name (the character himself was based on a World War II vet), the 1982 picture deemed him John Rambo, and it stuck. To this day, it's ...
Making matters worse, the police chief's deputies treat the offender badly - little realising he is decorated Vietnam war hero John Rambo. He escapes custody and flees to nearby woods, where a ...
Sylvester Stallone's "Rambo" movies might not be as beloved ... It was exactly these traits that the actor brought to 1982's ...
Based on the Chronosport UDT worn by John Rambo in the 1982 anti-war classic First Blood, the Momentum UDT Eclipse combines a ...